touristplacesinindia offers complete information on how to reach the city of Mangalore, traveling to Mangalore city through air, reaching Mangalore city by train, connectivity of Mangalore city through road and travel arrangements for local transportation in Mangalore.
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Transportation & Access

   The Indian city of Mangalore is easily accessible through air, road and rail from the other major Indian cities and states. touristplacesinindia can arrange for you all types of transport for your comfortable journey to and in Mangalore and throughout the Indian state of Karnataka.

By Air

Mangalore city is accessible by almost all the transportation systems. The airport is 20 km from the city center. One can take the locally available road transport medium to reach the airport to catch a flight.

By Rail

The Mangalore train station is on the southern fringe of the city center. However, some of the trains stop at the Kankanadi Station situated 5 km east of the Mangalore main city.

By Road

The road network is well maintained in the state, which connects it with the nearby places of importance. touristplacesinindia can arrange for you all types of land transport for your comfortable journey in Mangalore and throughout the Indian state of Karnataka.