touristplacesinindia offers complete information on the accommodation options in Mangalore city, places to stay in Mangalore, hotels in Mangalore, luxury hotels in Mangalore, budget hotels in the city of Mangalore and the various star categorized accommodation hotels in Mangalore city.
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Mangalore Hotels

   In order to make the travel tour to Mangalore even more joyful you need to choose just the right kind of accommodation for you and your family or friends in Mangalore. The various hotels packages in Mangalore offer the best of facilities. The well-furnished rooms make excellent place to stay in Mangalore, with most of the comforts at your feet. You may enjoy the luxuries of life on your stay at the Mangalore hotels. You may take your pick from a range of luxury and budget hotels in Mangalore besides the star categorized accommodation hotels around the landmarks of Mangalore offer excellent view of the landmarks through their suites. Most of the places to stay in Mangalore are strategically located in the tourist centers.

Manjarur-Lodge Hotels in Mangalore

Hotels in Other Cities Of Karnataka

Hotels in Bangalore

Five Star Hotels Click for more hotels in Bangalore

Hotels in Mysore

Three Star Hotels

Two Star Hotels

Hotels in Hassan

Three Star Hotels

Hotels in Coorg

Three Star Hotels

Hotel Ramanshree