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About Mangalore

   To the south by the shores of Arabian Sea is located the port town of Mangalore, a rambling, green, friendly town that is a serene getaway, a little off the beaten track and ideal for those who want a slightly laidback sort of vacation. The approach of Mangalore by road or rail is as eye-filling as by air, with rolling hills, verdant vistas, sparkling streams gurgling to rendezvous with the sea, and the smell of salt water getting ever stronger as the coast draws nearer. The landscape is dotted with tiled-roof buildings, topped with the famous Mangalore tiles made with the local hard red clay, and built with laterite, a soft rock easily sliced into large building blocks Some of the old houses even have elaborate wood-work. The exceptionally fine location of Mangalore on a narrow coastal strip between the towering Western Ghats on one side and the azure Arabian sea on the other has attracted settlers form afar. The city is virtually a Tower of Babel, with the sounds of several languages mingling on the streets. Mangalore is known for the industriousness of its people and natural splendour. The place also has a history of maritime activities.

Fast Facts

Languages : Tulu, Konkani, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil
Best time to visit : September to February
STD code : 0824


This city of Mangalore is said to have been named after the famous Mangaladevi Temple. This temple, also a tourist spot, is situated 3 km away from main city area. This temple was built by the Ballal family of Attavar in memory of a princess of Kerala. Not much history could be found about this area though the local museum would be a right place to go for the history of this place.

Best Season, Climate, and Clothing

Being in the tropical region of the country, Mangalore has a languid tropical atmosphere, hot and humid during summer and comfortably cold during winter season. Winter is the best time to visit this place as the humidity during summer makes traveling uncomfortable. Thus, cotton clothing is apt for summers and woolens are required for winters in Mangalore.