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Tours to Mandawa

Mandawa, is located in the heart of the Shekhawati region at Rajasthan. The unique forts and palaces found differentiate it from other parts of Rajasthan. When you come across these different forts and palaces, you get a glimpse of the glamour of the bygone era. Tours to Mandawa gives an opportunity to visitors to experience a feel of discovery at every turn.

When you come to Mandawa, the wonderful havelis and the palaces found there can evoke your senses. Every haveli has its own individual style and you will not find any similarities between any two havelis. Wonderful paintings and murals, which look more like antiques, adorn the walls of these havelis. Some of the famous havelis of Mandawa are the Binsidhar Newatia haveli, Gulab Rai Ladia haveli, Saraf haveli, Chokhani and Ladia havelis. These havelis have in fact emerged as the main tourist attractions in Mandawa. Indeed Mandawa has lived true to its name of being the open art gallery of Rajasthan.

Another place which you should not miss out during your Mandawa tours is the medieval Fort of Mandawa. This is positioned in the center of the town and is considered to be the helm of all activities. Founded way back in the 18th century, this fort boasts of having arched gateways, projecting intricate carvings.

You should also watch out for the Mandawa castle while on your tours to Mandawa. It is believed earlier it was a crucial halt in the silk route. At present, this has been converted into a heritage hotel but has still retained its old world charm. This is one of the heritage hotels in Madawa where you can experience old Rajasthani Haveli charm.

When you are in Mandawa, you can also go for excursions to places like Nawalgarh, Mukundgarh, Parsurampura, Dundlod, Jhunjhunu and Fatehpur. Among these, Fatehpur was initially established as a capital for Muslim Nawabs but was later, in the 18th century it was undertaken by the Shekhawati Rajputs. Some of the major attractions of this place are the Gauri Shankar haveli, Mahavir Prasad Goenka haveli, Nand lal Devra Haveli and Harikrishnan Das Sarogi Haveli.

Jhunjhunu, on the other hand is the largest town of Shekhawati region. Some of the important attractions here are the Bihariji Temple, Khetri Mahal, Modi haveli and Kaniram Narsinghdas Tiberwala haveli. Nawalgarh, Parsurampura and Mukundgarh are also well known for their forts and havelis. can provide you with more information on tours to Mandawa and other tourist destinations in India.

Tours to Mandawa
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