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Accommodation in Mandawa

Mandawa, situated in the Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan is in the heart of the Shekhawati region. Shekhawati, a semi arid region of Rajasthan, lies in the northeastern part of the state. Mandawa has become notable for its graceful havelis and castles. They not only acquaint us to the charm of a bygone era but also give us a picture of the exquisitely beautiful artistic work which was practiced during that period. The walls of the havelis have wonderful paintings and carvings, which give us idea of the past era. These havelis draw a large number of tourists every year to Rajasthan. For the tourists, finding suitable accommodations in Mandawa is easy.

Several hotels are scattered all across Mandawa and you will find a wide range of choices available. At Manadwa, you can find deluxe hotels, Heritage Hotels and Budget hotels. Visitors can experience royal grandeur and luxury at the heritage Mandawa hotels. Visitors from different corners of the world come to this place to experience its rich cultural heritage. This is very efficiently maintained in the heritage accommodations in Mandawa.

If you are planning a vacation to visit the tourist attractions in Mandawa, and wondering where to put up, you can try out the Castle Mandawa under such circumstances. The castle, located in a remote place, is the best place for availing accommodations in Mandawa. If you want to have the ultimate luxury during your vacations, you can rest assure, you will get it at the Castle Mandawa. Other two prominent heritage hotels at Mandawa are the Hotel Heritage Mandawa and Hotel Mandawa Haveli.

The deluxe hotels of Mandawa also ensure luxury and comfort. Most of these hotels at Mandawa have their own restaurants where you can have excellent food. Delicious local cuisines are also served at these restaurants. These mouthwatering cuisines can satisfy your taste buds. Travelers who cannot afford to spend too much on accommodation, for them the budget hotels are the ideal getaway. These hotels would not definitely burn holes in your pockets. can provide you with more information on accommodations in Mandawa and enlighten you about the Mandawa tours.