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About Mandawa

   Mandawa, the capital of the Shekhawati region, is a semi arid region, situated in the northeast part of Rajasthan. It consists of the administrative districts of Jhunjhunu, Churu and Sikdar. Mandawa is generally famous for its beautiful castles and stunning havelis. Nowhere in Rajasthan will you find such exquisitely designed havelis. Every haveli maintains its individuality and are decorated with wonderful paintings. The murals depicted on the walls of the havelis are antique in design and there was a time when precious gems were found on these. If you want to know more about Mandawa, read on. The center of activity at Mandawa is concentrated around its medieval Fort. The fort holds a predominant position at Manadwa and boasts of having intricate carvings and beautifully painted arched gateways.

Mandawa Castle

General Information about Mandawa

State : Rajasthan
District : Jhunjhunu
Location : Shekhawati Region of Rajasthan, India
Languages : Rajasthani, Hindi, English
Climate : Extreme
Clothing : Light tropical (cotton) for summer & Light woolen for winter
Best time to visit : October to March
Long Distance Code : +91-1495

Tourist Attractions in Mandawa:
Every year thousands of tourists come to this place to see the magnificent havelis. Another important landmark which the tourists should not miss out here is the Mandawa Castle. There was a time when this was considered to be a major halt in the silk route. At present this has been converted into a beautiful heritage hotel. During your Mnadawa tours, you can plan excursions to places like Nawalgarh, Mukundgarh, Parsurampura, Dundlod, Jhunjhunu and Fatehpur.

History of Mandawa:
Way back in 18th century, Mandawa witnessed the dominance of the merchant families. Gradually these merchants decided to settle here and constructed many havelis in the village. When these merchants migrated to other places, there was nobody to look after these fabulous havelis. With time these emerged as one of the major tourist attractions of Mandawa.

Mandawa Climate:
The Mandawa summers are extremely hot and the winters are extremely chilly. The temperature can fall below 10 degree Celsius during winters. The most convenient time to visit Mandawa is between the months of October and March. can provide you with more information about Mandawa and other tourist destinations in India.