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About Dharamsala

Dharamsala is a wonderful hilly retreat in the Dhauladhar range in India.,. This town of Himachal Pradesh commands spectacular views of the Dhauladhar range and is also the home to His Highness Dalai Lama and many Tibetan settlers. It is also a major crowd puller in the northern region and thus is frequented by a large number of tourists each and every year.

Dances of Dharamsala, Dharamsala, History of Dharamsala, Best Time to Visit Dharamsala, Dharamsala tour, Dharamsala Hotels Before you embark on a tour to Dharamsala, just make sure that you known enough about Dharamsala as prior information would definitely be of great use to the travelers. Your vacations in Dharamsala would definitely be the rewarding ones. A trip to Dharamsala would cover several points of tourist interest such as the Jwalamukhi Temple and Mc Leod Ganj.

Fast Facts

Area:29 sq km
Languages:Himachali, Hindi and English
STD Code:01892


Dharamsala, Dharamsala, History of Dharamsala, Best Time to Visit Dharamsala, Dharamsala tour, Dharamsala Hotels
Dharamsala was founded in the year 1855 and the British used it as a summer retreat simply to escape the scorching heat of the summers. The annexation of Tibet in the year 1959 forced the 14th Dalai Lama and his government to leave their land. In those turbulent days, no other country was prepared to take the risk of providing shelter to them as it would entail the wrath of the then emerging Republic of China. At that time India came to their rescue and provided shelter to them and since 1960 they have been the permanent settlers at this place. Hence, there is also something religious and spiritual about Dharamsala apart from its lush green hills and scenic locale.

Best Season, Climate, and Clothing

There are many places to visit in Dharamsala and to enhance the pleasure of spending vacations you must visit Dharamsala in its tourist season which is from March to June and from September to October. As far as the clothing is concerned, cotton would be the best in summer and heavy woolens would just be fine for the winters. is your authentic travel guide on Dharamsala and provides useful information on Dharamsala.