touristplacesinindia offers complete information on how to reach the Fort Palace Hotel of Devigarh, traveling to Devigarh Fort Palace Hotel from Delhi and the travel arrangements for transportation to Devigarh.
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  Guide on

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     And Access


     on Devi Garh

Our Travel



   Devigarh is a Fort Palace in the village of Delwara in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The village is situated near the city of Udaipur and is a part of the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan. The village of Delwara boasts of housing four 14th Century Jain temples which exclusive carvings. Delwara is famous for its scenic beauty with mountains all around. One can also visit other places like Bapparawal, Eklingji, Nagda, Nathdwara, and Ranakpur while visiting the Fort Palace at Delwara. This village is frequented by tourists round the year for its beauty. The village is easy of access from all major cities in India.

We at provide you with complete information on all that you want to know about transportation and access in Devigarh.

Air: Debok Airport which is about 24 km from Udaipur is the nearest airport. This airport is connected with major cities in India by flights operated by major airlines from Jodhpur Jaipur aurangbad, Mumbai and Delhi.

Railways: Udaipur railway station is the nearest railhead and is connected with major cities in India by daily train services. From the Railway station one can hire taxis, auto rickshaws, tongas, or city buses to reach Devigarh.

Roads: The nearest bus terminus is at Udaipur. National Highway No. 8 passes through Udaipur and links the city with Mumbai and Delhi.

Distances of the Devigarh from Indian cities which will give a clear idea about transportation and access are:

  • Distance from Delhi: 652 km
  • Distance from Ajmer: 264 km
  • Distance from Bikaner: 605 km
  • Distance from Chittaurgarh: 144 km
  • Distance from Udaipur: 28 km
  • Distance from Jaipur: 402 km
  • Distance from Jaisalmer: 693 km
  • Distance from Jodhpur: 363 km
  • Distance from Kota: 302 km
  • Distance from Ranakpur: 138 km offers guidelines for Transportation and access to Devigarh and other information on Devigarh, India. Please contact us for the same.

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