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     on Devi Garh

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Devigarh Map

Devigarh, situated about 28 km from Udaipur is located in the stat of Rajasthan. The city is surrounded by the Aravali ranges and is a wonderful destination for honeymooners. The romantic nature of the city attracts nature lovers from different parts of the World. Devigarh has a rich cultural heritage and offers enormous scope for sightseeing. Prominent places in and around Devigarh includes Jain Temples at Ranakpur, citadel at Kumbhalgarh, Udaipur and Delwara. The city is easily accessible by air, roads and railways. Udaipur has the nearest airhead and the railhead. Devigarh offers wonderful accommodation and dining facilities in its well maintained luxury and economy hotels. We at provide you with a complete Devigarh map. This map of Devigarh will surely assist you to plan a tour to this beautiful city of Rajasthan.
Udaipur map showing devigarh

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