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  In Chandigarh

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Tourist Attractions of Chandigarh

Chandigarh is a Union Territory in the Indian Subcontinent. It is a well planned city which lies in the Northern part of India and serves as the capital of Punjab and Haryana. The city lying in the foothills of the Himalayas was planned by a French architect named Le Corbusier. We at provide you with complete details on all that you want to know about tourist attractions in Chandigarh.

Monument in Chandigarh,Tourist attractions in Chandigarh, Places to see in Chandigarh, Places to visit in Chandigarh, Weekend trips from Chandigarh Excursions, Events in Chandigarh, Festivals in Chandigarh The city covers a total area of about 114 square km and forms a part of the Himalayan Ecosystem. The city centre is the heart of all activities and is connected by roads from airport and the railway station. Besides, the city is accessible by road from all major cities in India. There are a lot of tourist attractions in Chandigarh which attract people from all over the World to visit here.

In terms of Human Development Index the city ranks first in India. The city has large number of parks which provides ample space in the city to enjoy fresh air. Some of the most prominent parks in the city include the the Leisure Valley, Rajendra park, Zakir Rose Garden, Hibiscus Garden, Garden of Fragrance, Botanical Garden, Smriti Upavan, Topiary garden, Terraced Garden and Shanti Kunj. Some other places of interest in and around the city where one can visit include:

  • Bamboo Valley: The garden spreads over an area of about 27.5 acres. This land has 15 species of trees besides bamboo grooves and hence the name �Bamboo Valley�. The entire area has a grassy landscape with bamboo plantations.

  • Botanical Garden: The garden was founded in 2002 and consists of 15 botanical sections with the primary aim of promoting education and research. Besides, the garden has also been developed to promote eco tourism and spread awareness about our floral heritage.

  • Leisure Valley: It is a range of various theme gardens improve the beauty of the city. The garden starts at Sector 1 in the north of the city and ends at Sector 53 in the South of the city.

  • Sukhna Wildlife sanctuary: This sanctuary spreads over a total area of about 2600 hectares and forms a part of the Sukhna Lake catchment area falling in Shivalik Hills. Large species of flora and fauna are found in this sanctuary. The prominent mammals that are found in this sanctuary include monkey, hare, porcupines, squirrels, sambar, jackal, wild boar, and jungle cats. Cobra, viper, Indian Python are some of the reptiles that are commonly seen in this sanctuary. One can also find birds like Red jungle fowl, Grey partridge, Cuckoos, Night jars, Golden Oriole, Kingfisher, Swifts, Hoopoes, Hombills, Barbets, Woodpeckers, Rollers, Barn owls, Parrots, Doves, and Myna in this sanctuary. is an international travel site and a repository of useful information about Chandigarh and on other related information about the city.