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  In Chandigarh

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About Chandigarh

Chandigarh is a well planned city in the Northern part of India and is the capital of two Indian states � Punjab and Haryana. It is one of the Union Territories of India and is also the country�s first planned city. The city was planned by French architect Le Corbusier. We at offers you complete guidance on all that you want to know about Chandigarh.

Monument in Chandigarh,Chandigarh, Chandigarh city, City of Chandigarh, Chandigarh Tourism, History of Chandigarh, Visit Chandigarh, Chandigarh tour, Chandigarh Hotels However, the city has a pre historic past and excavations reveal that the city was the home to the Harappan Civilization. Chandigarh is located at the foothills of the Siwalik hill ranges and forms a part of the Himalayan Ecosystem. Washed by Sukhna Choe in the east and Patiala-Ki-Rao Choe in the west, Chandigarh provides a wonderful stay for the tourists amidst the beauty of the nature. The city ranks first in the country in terms of Human Development Index and is rated the wealthiest town in India. The city centre, popularly called Sector 17 is the heart of all activities in the city. There are a large number of parks in the city which provide ample space for the travelers to breathe in fresh air. Some of the parks include the Leisure Valley, Rajendra Park, Bougainvillea Park, Zakir Rose Garden, Hibiscus Garden, Garden of Fragrance, Botanical Garden, Smriti Upavan, Topiary Garden, Terraced Garden and Shanti Kunj are some of the famous gardens in the city. One can also visit Lalit Kala Academy, Sahitya Academy, Pracheen Kala Kendra, and Cultural Complex.

Fast Facts

Area : 114 square km
Population : 9,00,635
Literacy rate : 81.9%
Sex Ratio : 777 females per thousand males
Languages spoken : Hindi, English and Punjabi
Best time to visit : August to November
STD Codes : 0172


  • Summer temperature: Maximum 44 C and Minimum 31 C
  • Winter Temperature: Maximum 14 C Minimum 3 C
  • Rainfall: 1110.7 mm

    There are a large number of hotels and guest houses in the city which provide accommodation and dining facilities to the tourists. The city is also well accessible by air, roads and railways. Chandigarh Airport is 11 km from the city centre and has daily flights from major cities in India. Chandigarh is also linked with railway lines from most cities in India. There are trains from Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Chennai and Kerala. The city is also connected with Haryana, Punjab, Himachal, and Delhi by luxury bus services. is an international travel site and a repository of useful information about Chandigarh and on other related information about the city.