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About Puttaparthi

Located in the south-western part of Andhra Pradesh, Puttaparthi is surrounded by the arid and rocky hills bordering Karnataka. Famous for its Sathya Sai Baba Mandir, it is one of the famous religious tourist destinations of the world. A number of domestic as well as foreign tourists visit this place every year just to have a glimpse of the legendary Sathya Sai Baba and also to see his most talked about ashram. It is believed that the present Sai Baba is the Sai Baba reincarnation of the former Sai Baba of Maharashtra popularly known as Sai Baba of Shirdi. The income of the ashram has been used for the establishment of a number of public utility services. Although there is not much to see in Puttaparthi, the ashram itself keeps the attention of the visitor with its varied attractions. Puttaparthi belongs to the Bangalore Circuit of South India. The other destinations that come under the circuit are Bangalore, Kolar, and Nellur. Being at Puttaparthi, the best thing one can do is to visit the ashram and pay reverence to Sai Baba. The nearby areas like Lepakshi are also worth visiting.

Fast Facts

STD Code 08555
Languages Spoken Telegu, Hindi, English
State Capital No


Kanchi Pvarashaja Temple The world famous religious Guru Sai Baba set up this ashram in 1950. Popularly known as Prashanthi Nilayam, this ashram has been regarded as one of the most sought-after religious destinations of India.

Puttaparthi was an obscure village in the erstwhile Madras Presidency. Satyanarayana Raju was born in Puttaparthi on 23 November 1926. Since his childhood, he is said to have shown prodigious talents, unusual purity and compassion. Having been pronounced to be possessed by the divine, at the age of fourteen he calmly announced that he was the new incarnation of Sai Baba, who died eight years before Sathya was born.

With the passing of time, the fame of Sathya Sai Baba spread all over the world. Eventually a large group of followers grew. In 1950, the ashram was inaugurated. Now, through his miraculous powers, including the ability to materialize vibhuti or the sacred ash, with curative properties, Sai Baba has millions of devotees worldwide.

Best Season, Climate, and Clothing

Puttaparthi has a tropical climate with hot and humid summers. The best time to visit this place is during winters, that is, from October to March. Cotton clothing is apt for the summer months. Light woolens are required in the winter season.

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