touristplacesinindia offers complete information on how to reach the city of Daman and Diu, traveling to Daman and Diu city through air, reaching Daman and Diu city by train, connectivity of Daman and Diu city through road and travel arrangements for local transportation in Daman and Diu.
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Daman & Diu

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     Daman & Diu


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 Daman & Diu

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 Daman & Diu

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Transportation & Access

Daman & Diu is regarded as one of the most exquisite coastal spots and every year it experiences a substantial footfall. Its palm-fringed beaches and fascinating locale is much responsible for its soaring popularity as a tourist spot. It makes for an ideal retreat if you are looking for a laidback holiday. These union territories of the republic of India were under the colonial rule of the Portuguese and hence there are many forts and churches that reflect the Portuguese style of architecture.

The tourists willing to make a tour of Daman & Diu first of all are faced with the question as how to reach Daman & Diu. With such a huge inflow of the tourists each and every year, there are several modes of transportation & access to Daman & Diu.

Transportation and Access to Daman & Diu by Air:
Mumbai is the nearest international as well as domestic airport which is located at a distance of 193 km. You can get the regular flight services that are provided by the various airlines such as Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, Air Sahara, Air Deccan, Spice Jet, and Kingfisher Airlines.

Transportation and Access to Daman & Diu by Rail:
Getting to Daman & Diu by the rail transport is also quite convenient as you have the facility of two major railheads that are Mumbai and Ahmedabad and are located on the western railway network close to Daman. Vapi, another station is located at a distance of 12 km from Daman.

Transportation and Access to Daman & Diu by Road:
If you loves long drives, then the road transport would be the ideal mode of transport for you to reach Daman & Diu. By road transport, Daman is located at a distance of 367 km from Ahmedabad, 193 km from Mumbai and 300 km from Vadodra by smooth road network. These cities are connected by NH-8 (National Highway). offers online information on the Transportation and Access to Daman & Diu and also offers useful inputs about Daman & Diu.