touristplacesinindia offers complete information on how to reach the city of Coorg, traveling to Coorg city through air, reaching Coorg city by train, connectivity of Coorg city through road and travel arrangements for local transportation in Coorg.
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Transportation & Access

   Coorg is a small district of Karnataka and is famous for its picturesque surroundings, meandering streams and languid ambience. The natives of Coorg are called Coorgis and they are famous for their unrivaled hospitality and the cuisine of this place is simply beyond compare. The misty and undulating hills and thickly wooded region add to the charm of this place. The ideal time to visit Coorg would be from November to April and it is also famous for the splendid temples and features unparalleled hiking and trekking trails that are part of its geographical diversification. Coorg is also popular for the choicest of coffee and has been the birthplace of the brave soldiers who fought for a cause. For the tourists who have not been here before, the transportation and access to Coorg is what would matter to them the most.

Transportation and Access to Coorg by Air:

Getting to Coorg by air transport is also quite convenient since there are three cities that are located nearby and are Mysore, Mangalore and Bangalore. Mysore is located at a distance of 120 km from Coorg, airport in Mangalore is at a distance of 135 km from Coorg and the Bangalore airport is located at a distance of 260 km from Coorg.

Transportation and Access to Coorg by Rail:

If you are wishing to travel to Coorg by the rail transport, then the nearest railheads would be Mysore, Mangalore and Hassan. Besides, these railheads also link the other major cities of India as well as Karnataka. The rail travel would be the ideal mode of transport if you want to reach Coorg.

Transportation and Access to Coorg by Road:

There are fine network of roads that connects Coorg with the various other cities of Karnataka such as Mysore, Nagarhole, Tellicherry, Virajpet and Bangalore (via Mysore). Tala Cauvery is located at a distance of 47 kilometers from Coorg, and Nagarhole is at a distance of 93 kilometers away via Virajpet by the smooth road network.

With these three modes of transport to Coorg, how to reach Coorg would not bother the tourists at all. offers online information on the Transportation and Access to Coorg and also offers useful inputs about Coorg.