offers complete information on how to reach the city of Bhopal, traveling to Bhopal city by air, reaching Bhopal city by train, connectivity of Bhopal city through road, and travel arrangements for local transportation in Bhopal
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Reaching Bhopal

Dotted with beautiful lakes all over, Bhopal occupies an important place in the itinerary of a tourist who is on his tour of central India. Located on the edge of the Malwa plateau, this city was once the seat of the royals and a strange majestic aura can still be felt when one visits this city. Bhopal is a huge crowd puller because its scenic beauty and magnificent temples and shrines lure a substantial amount of tourists each year. The travelers are often faced with the question as how to reach Bhopal when they want to explore this exquisite town. The transportation access to Bhopal is quite easy and can be reached by air, rail and road transport as well.

The three modes of transport can be discussed hereunder as:

Transportation Access to Bhopal by Air:

Transportation in Bhopal,Bhopal Travel, How to reach Bhopal, Bhopal Tours, Bhopal Tourism, visit Bhopal The airport in Bhopal is located at a distance of 12 kilometers from the Old City and the Indian Airlines operates daily flights to the major metropolises of India such as Delhi, Mumbai, and Indore and also operates four weekly flights to Gwalior.

Transportation Access to Bhopal by Rail:

Bhopal lies on the Delhi-Chennai route and is one of the most important railway stations of central India. Among the express trains, Shatabdi express connects Bhopal with the capital city, Delhi. The various other destinations to which Bhopal is well connected are Mumbai, Agra, Gwalior, Jhansi, and Ujjain.

Transportation Access to Bhopal by Road:

The transportation access in Bhopal is also quite convenient by the road transport since it is well-linked with the various other destinations of India through the smooth and excellent roadways. Some of the destinations that are easily reachable from Bhopal by road transport are Sanchi, Indore, Ujjain, Panchmari and Jabalpur, and Khajuraho are easily accessible from Bhopal.

With such fine transportation network, getting to Bhopal would be quite convenient and comfortable for the discerning travelers. offers online information on the Transportation Access in Bhopal and also offers useful inputs about Bhopal.

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