touristplacesinindia offers you complete hill station information on Coonoor, the places to see in Coonoor, the places to visit around Coonoor, the tourist attractions of Coonoor, popular weekend trips from Coonoor, excursions from Coonoor, events and festivals celebrated in Coonoor.
Coonoor Travel Guide, Places to see in Coonoor, Tourist attractions in Coonoor, Tourist Places in Coonoor, Coonoor Travel Tours, Places to visit in Coonoor, Weekend trips from Coonoor Excursions, Events in Coonoor, Festivals in Coonoor Tourist attractions in Coonoor, Tourist Places in Coonoor, Places to see in Coonoor, Weekend trips from Coonoor Excursions, Events in Coonoor, Coonoor Travel Tours, Places to visit in Coonoor, Coonoor Travel Guide, Festivals in Coonoor    Hotels and Travel
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Tourist Attractions in Coonoor

A tour to Coonoor would be an enchanting one since it is one of the most magnificent hill stations of south India which is characterized by deep ravines, beautiful valleys, and imposing waterfalls.. It also boasts of exquisite range of birds such as cormorants, pipits, thrushes, parakeets, skylarks and Nilgiri verditer. While you can relax and enjoy the natural glory of this beautiful town at the same time, you can also go for the sightseeing tour for the various tourist attractions in Coonoor.

Some of the most notable things to watch in Coonoor are:

Sim's Park

The Sim's Park is one of the important tourist attractions in Coonoor. Spread over 12-hectare land, it has a collection of over 1,000 plant species that includes magnolia, pines, tree ferns, and camellia. The botanical garden is named after J. D. Sim, who was the secretary of the Madras Club in 1874 and thus it is developed to some extent in the Japanese style. Held in the month of May, the annual fruit and vegetable show is the key attraction of the park.

The Pasteur Institute Pasteur Institute of Coonoor,Places to see in Coonoor, Tourist attractions in Coonoor, Places to visit in Coonoor, Weekend trips from Coonoor Excursions, Events in Coonoor, Festivals in Coonoor

Among the Coonoor tourist attractions, Pasteur Institute is another thing to watch that came into existence in the year 1907. This particular institute is specialized in the research for vaccines for rabies and polio.

It remains open to the general public only on Saturdays but on other days it can also be visited but with the prior consent of the Director of the Institute. You can make a tour of the institute which will be a guided one.

Pomological Station

You must also pay a visit to this institute which is a research center of the State Agricultural Department for persimmon, pomegranates, and apricot.

Apart from these tourist attractions in Coonoor, you can also explore some of the other places for tourist interest in the weekend trips and excursions and they are:

  • Dolphin's Nose Viewpoint
  • Lamb's Rock
  • Droog
  • Law's Falls
  • Ooty offers online information on the Tourist Attractions in Coonoor and also offers useful inputs about Coonoor.

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