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Christian Pilgrimages in India


Christian Pilgrimages in India Christianity has long and glorious relations with India. According to the legends St. Thomas or Doubting Thomas sailed to India from Eastern Asia in 52 A.D. He spent 12 years in India, the last eight of his life in Mylapore in Madras (now Chennai). Several shrines have been created in the places associated with him. Apart from this, the advent of Europeans in India from 15th century onwards led to the mass influx of Christians and subsequent development of Christian worship places. Some of the churches of the Colonial India are comparable to the best in the world and are as much the heritage of India as the temples of ancient India. Visit these churches and explore the fascinating world of Christianity in India.


Little Mount, Chennai (Madras)
Little Mount in Saidapet is where he lived and preached. It is not much of a hill but high enough for the churches on it to be noticed form a distance. The new church, consecrated in 1971 attracts attention by unusual circular shape. However, it is the old church next door, built in 1711 as extension to shrine which the Portuguese had built in 1511, that is thronged by pilgrims. It is not impressive from the outside, but is miniscule interior has an atmosphere not found in many churches. This Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament is built against and above the rock cave that was St. Thomas' home.

St. Thomas Mount, Near Chennai
About five kilometers southwest of where St. Thomas was buried, is the mount named after him. Rising 100 meters (350 feet) above the surrounding plain, this lone hill is where Thomas is believed to have been killed. And at the spot where tradition has it he was killed is the Church of our Lady is Expectation. Built by the Portuguese in 1547, it replaced an ancient Nestorian church, while the foundation was being laid for the church of today, Fr Gaspar Coelho of the Mylapore Cathedral found a 'bleeding cross bearing old Sassanian Pehlevi inscriptions. This stone cross, believed to have been carved by St Thomas and similar to those found in Kerala where his seven shrines were built, is now part of the ornate, Armenian-style altar in the church. Tradition has it that the cross first publicly bled on August 18, 1558 during Mass and that it bled periodically ever after till 1704.

Churches of Goa
Goa, Jewel of India, is studded with churches which remain as silent but forceful witnesses to the intense religious history of the diverse people who lived here. Hence a pilgrimage to Goa is a unique experience.

Basilica of Bom Jesus, Old Goa
Visitors from India and overseas flock to the Basilica of Bom Jesus in Old Goa, built in 1605, and now declared a World Heritage Monument. The church houses the sacred relics of St. Francis Xavier, patron saint of Goa, who died while on a sea voyage to China on December 2,1552. The following year, while transferring his remains to Goa, in accordance with his wishes, it was found that the saint's body was as fresh as the day it was buried. This miraculous phenomenon continues to attract the devout of all lands, and an Exposition or public viewing of his body every ten years attracts lakhs of pilgrims.

Se Cathedral
The Se Cathedral nearby is dedicated to St. Catherine, as it was on her feast day, 25th November 1510, that Alphonso de Albuquerque conquered Goa. Believers are awe-struck to hear of the Cross of Miracles, which is placed in the cathedral, its earlier church having been destroyed. People have had a vision of Christ on this Cross and the rock on which it was found was said to spout water while, today, the Cross is slowly growing. Earlier, it was at Se Cathedral that the sacred relics of St. Francis Xavier were shown to the public.

Church of St. Francis of Assisi Beautiful whitewashed Church of St. Francis of Assisi, which today houses part of the archaeological museum. Exhibits include prehistoric items from a distant tribal past as also reminders of Goa Dourada, Golden Goa, also known as the 'Pearl of the Orient' or 'Rome of the East' during its heyday. It was the concentration of magnificent churches, symbol of a powerful conquering presence, which justified this last title. In fact, the Church of St. Cajatan, built by an Italian architect in 1651, was modeled in miniature on St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Today a theological college is housed here.