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Kathmandu Nepal

Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal is also its only international air gateway and major travel center. Tourism is the most important industry that sustains not only Nepal but Kathmandu also. In this regard, one can say that Kathmandu is a tourist friendly travel destination. Kathmandu is not big when one compares it to other cities in South Asia.

Kathmandu is a fascinating old city today where pagodas, narrow cobbled lanes, old carved windows, and stone shrines are backdrops to the drama of life that continues unhindered. Here the experiences are amazing, views fascinating, and the climate charming.

Kathmandu Visiting Kathmandu is like visiting legendary shrines as every monument or tourist attraction has a legend associated with it. The cities of Kathmandu, Bhaktpur, and Patan are so close in distance but so distinct in their architecture and landscape that it is difficult to imagine that they are close neighbors. One common aspect that brings them together is the existence of the Durbar Square around which most of the attractions are located. Kathmandu has four World Heritage sites, namely, Durbar Square, Swaymbhu Nath, Boudh Nath, and Pashupati Nath Temple.

There are several places of places near Kathmandu that make excellent excursion options. Kirtipur is situated at a distance of 6 km from Kathmandu and a picturesque Newari village with fifth-century temples, old lanes, and weavers dressed in traditional clothing.

The capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu is easily accessible from the other important cities of India. Excellent road network, railway system and the air linking make Kathmandu a popular travel destination neighboring India. touristplacesinindia can arrange for you all types of land transport for your comfortable journey in Kathmandu and throughout the neighboring country of Nepal.

In order to make the travel tour to Kathmandu even more joyful you need to choose just the right kind of accommodation for you and your family or friends in Kathmandu. The various hotels packages in Kathmandu offer the best of facilities. You may take your pick from a range of luxury and budget hotels in Kathmandu besides the star categorized accommodation hotels around the landmarks of Kathmandu offer excellent view of the landmarks through their suites. Most of the places to stay in Kathmandu are strategically located in the most picturesque of tourist attractions.

Planning a Business trip to Kathmandu city or enjoying your holidays? Check out the following all-inclusive tour packages and holiday offers that will make your travel trip to Kathmandu city comfortable and enjoyable. We provide a range of tour packages and holiday offers for the city of Kathmandu that will suit your requirements and budget. As per the nature, duration and the accommodation required during the holiday trip or business travel to Kathmandu city the tour packages vary.

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